A poor family of eight
living in Vadnagar, Gujarat struggling to make ends meet. One normal day, A
saint visits the family begging for food. In India, We dont know if rich feeds
strangers or not but poor surely will do so because they have nothing to fear and
they know the pain of empty stomach. So, The saint was fed and then the Mother
of the family out of her concern for 3rd child asks saint about the child's
future. Interestingly, Saint predicts that her 3rd child would either become
most revered saint of all time or he will reach the top of political ladder.
Mother's worries increased when suddenly the child declared his wish to go to
Himalayas leaving studies behind. Irrespective of persuasion, He travels to the
abode of Blue Lord, roams around like a nomad, spends his teenage in the most
spiritual place of Mother India.
One fine day, He comes back.
As any Mother would feel, She doesnt want him to go back anywhere again. So she
forcefully get him married. His priorities now change. He joins RSS. He works
selflessly. His service becomes recognised. He is given higher
responsibilities. He then never fails to deliver. That Strong,Dedicated Man on
May 26th, 2014 becomes the Prime Minister of India. As the saint foretold long
back, He reaches the top.
A Lion is constantly
challenged by the horde of hyenas but never does Hyenas succeed in overthrowing
its throne. Lion is borne to rule. Narendra Damodardas Modi, The Lion of
Gujarat, now sits on the shoulders of billion Indians. The Era of Hope has
In March 2013, Narendra Modi
was appointed to the BJP Parliamentary Board, the party's highest
decision-making body, and was chosen to be chairman of the party's Central
Election Campaign Committee. On 10 June 2013, Modi was selected to head the
poll campaign for the elections at the national level executive meeting of BJP
in Goa. In September 2013, BJP announced
Modi as their prime ministerial candidate for the 2014 Lok Sabha polls.Then
began the marathon of the Juggernaut.
As the Man, he is known to
be, At the age of 63, He addressed 440 rallies,travelled 3 lakh kms in 25
states,held 12 rounds of 3D rallies covering 1350 locations, covered a total of
almost 5800 locations. Can any Political Party get more loyal follower than
His oration skills mesmerized
people who were depleted in all ways in the last ten years. People followed
wherever he went. There were attempts to spread terror too which by God's grace
didnt succeed. People stood in rain to listen to this Man of conviction,
purpose and perseverance.
There was One man against
the entire scourge of hate mongering intellectually challenged pseudo secular disgraceful
brutes. For a change of fortune, People chose correctly this time.
Never before did BJP truly
imagine of getting absolute majority on their own. BJP -282, NDA - 336,
Congress - 44, UPA - 58. Rest is history.
After the forgetful decade of decay, A new era has begun. For me, This
is the era of hope, We Indians have long waited for. Acche Din is our common
goal. Let us work for it. Time to leave behind a Nation which our next
generations will be proud of. Vande Mataram.
Date : 16th, July 2014
Place : Bangalore
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